Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hisoty (Showa-Heisei Period) & Ikebana (Flower Arrangement)

*For the next week test, please study with this post and the video transcript which was sent from Shoji on April 10th.

昭和時代 1926-1989 Showa Period
The Period of the Pre-War Fascism and Postwar Economic Power

Showa Emperor Hirohito

<before 1945>
Japan established a puppet state, Manchukuo in Manchuria <- criticized in the League of Nations -> Japan withdrew the League

1932 5.15 incident海軍将校が犬養毅首相を射殺
Young Marines assassinated Prime Minister
1936 2.26 incident皇道派の青年が大臣を射殺
Young armies assassinated some government officials
<- Power of Military in the government

→軍部大臣現役武官制の復活 =政党政治の終焉

1937 Second Sino-Japanese War日中戦争開始
1939 WWII began in Europe
Axis Pact: Japan, Germany, Italy
*the US: stop exporting oils to Japan, warn Japan to withdraw from China

Pearl Harbor = beginning of “Pacific War”
*Japanese news always report “Japan won!” at any battles

(Japan wanted oils in the Southeast Asia)
Japan Declared “The Great East-Asian War”: save Asians from imperial westerners

July 26: Potsdam Declaration (US, UK, China): demand Japan’s surrender
August 6: atomic bomb on Hiroshima
August 8: Russia started war on Japan
-Occupied Japan’s puppet state, Manchukuo
-Took the northern territory of Hokkaido (kept warring until September 4th)
August 9: atomic bomb on Nagasaki
August 15: Japan Surrendered

<after 1945>
1945-1951GHQ (General Headquaters of the Allies) occupied Japan. 連合国最高司令官総司令部(多くはアメリカ人)占領
Douglas MacArthurダグラスマッカーサー(→朝鮮戦争で原爆の使用を主張し、解任される)

Douglas MacArthur & Showa Emperor Hirohito

-Emperor lost all political power (God  human being)
-New constitution (no military power, women’s voting rights, etc.)

1949 Communist China  US sees Japan as a strategic keystone in the Pacific
1951 Korean War  US established Japan’s Security Force
Japan’s Independence: Treaty of San Francisco

*Okinawa Problem
-Okinawa used to be an independent kingdom –Annexed by Japan in 1872
-The fierce battlefield at the end of WWII (1/4 of Okinawan people died.) –Japan didn’t help Okinawa because Japan wanted to buy time by holding American forces in Okinawa in order to plan the defense of the mainland and get a better deal.
-Had been occupied at 1945-1972 as “residual colony” (Japanese mainland was occupied at 1945-1951.) –Japan’s independence was achieved partly because Japan accepted the US right to use Okinawa as an important station for US pacific military strategy
-Discriminately attitude from both Japanese mainland and the American occupation force
-In 1972, returned to Japan (Prime Minister Eisaku Sato and US President Richard Nixon)
-Today 75% of US bases in Japan are in Okinawa, and 20-25% of Okinawan lands are US bases.

Prime Minister Sato, Eisaku & President Ricahrd Nixon

<経済 Economic growth >
1951-53 special procurements from Korean War 朝鮮特需
1960s special procurements from Vietnam War ベトナム特需
Little burden from the Military budget 防衛費負担なし(⇔思いやり予算負担、米軍とのトラブル)*instead, Omoiyari Budget (“budget allocation for sympathy”): Japan pays a lot for US stationing in Japan.

-“Income doubling program” in the 1960s (by Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda)

Prime Minister Ikeda, Hayato

-“Three sacred treasures” in the 1960s = TV, refrigerator, and washing machine

-“Remodeling the Japanese Archipelago” in the 1970s (by Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka)

Prime Minister Tanaka, kakuei & President Richard Nixon

*side effect of the economic growth: Pollution and depopulation of the countryside

1989Peak of Japanese economy
 “Japan as No. 1”(Book)

平成時代1989-Present Heisei Period
Current Period

1991-1992 “Japan’s Great Depression”バブル崩壊:不動産、株式価格暴落
1990s:”The Lost Decade”「失われた10年」
*→2003くらいから回復基調 slightly getting better

1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 阪神淡路大震災 (in Kinki region)
1995 Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway 地下鉄サリン事件 by a cult religion group
1998 Nagano Winter Olympic長野オリンピック
2002 Korea-Japan World Cup Soccer サッカーワールドカップ初出場

Ikebana (Flower Arrangement) Powerpoint

*At the end of this powerpoint, you see how to make a Ikebana. If you want to make your own one for a extra point, please refer to this page.

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