Thursday, February 7, 2008

Guns in Japan

This is shoji.
I just ramdomly write about something from an article in Japanese newspapers whenever I feel like to.

2,885 gun owners turning in firearm licenses after uproar over Sasebo rampage

The shooting incident in the last December in Japan was such a sensational news in Japan. A guy came into a fitness club and shot his friend and an instructor.
Basically it's banned in Japan to hold a gun, but it's allowed if you pass some test and get a gun license for hunting or whatever. So, most people have never seen a gun in their lives, I guess.

Some years ago me and my friend were at Waffle House near UNCC late at night, and two men suddenly came in and shot the roof. They took money from the cashier and run away. We all had to stay there for about 2 hours and wait for the policemen coming and asking us some questions about the burglars. Everybody looked shocked, and cashiers were crying (and off course I couldn't ask them for serving foods while waiting for policemen. I was hungry and run out of cigarettes, too, damn.) Anyway it was surprising to me that burglars with guns are around my life.

I'm just wondering if having a gun is a negative thing or positive thing here. or maybe people have very diverse opinions about this topic?


Hollie said...

It can definitely go both ways. It seems like lately the crime rate is going up, especially at UNCC. (We get email's almost every week about people getting mugged or robbed) I feel that it might be a positive thing to have a gun if only to protect yourself. It's impossible to be able to defend yourself against someone else who has a gun with anything else. BUT, on the other hand.......if people didn't misuse guns for the wrong purpose, then we wouldn't need them in the first place.

In a sense I think that any weapon meant to hurt someone is a negative thing, but I think it should be used if necessary to protect yourself.

I don't know about anyone else, but with all the mis happenings going on at UNCC lately, I feel afraid to walk back to my car at night after class.

katiephillips said...

"In a sense I think that any weapon meant to hurt someone is a negative thing,"
I agree. Also, it seems to me (I haven't read a lot of research on this) that countries that ban guns have lower crime rates than we do (England, Japan, etc.). However, that may be as much a cultural thing as a political thing. Personally, I don't like them and think we should look into banning them outright.

Also, I agree with Hollie about being afraid to walk around at night. It never used to bother me, but sometime last semester someone got mugged right outside my apartment complex-and I probably only missed them by ten minutes or so. I have to do things after dark, but I can't have someone go with me all the time, either. It's a really scary situation.

Lidz said...

Personally I like the NRA.

The National Rifle Association, or NRA, is a non-profit group for the promotion of firearm ownership rights, marksmanship, firearm safety, and the protection of hunting and self-defense in the United States, established in New York in 1871 as the American Rifle Association. It sponsors firearm safety training courses, as well as marksmanship events featuring shooting skills and sports. The NRA is sometimes said to be the single most powerful non-profit organization in the United States. It bases its political activity on the principle that gun ownership is a civil liberty protected by the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, and claims to be the oldest continuously operating civil liberties organization in the United States.

(I took that from wikipedia)

Savanna said...

It's under the constitution that we are allowed to have firearms as protection, but that is limited to rifles. Handguns, you must pass the test to be able to carry it with the license. I hate that it is still so easy for people to get the handguns without obeying the law.

It needs to be more difficult to be able to have a handgun. I suppose it's positive to have a gun to protect your life or your family, especially with raised levels of terrorism. I don't believe in killing justice outside war, though. There should be no mercy in prosecution for those carrying firearms and using them to hurt people.

Billy Clontz said...

I have personally never used a gun, and actually would be a bit scared to. I don't think guns are bad though. Most of the people I know who own guns are very nice and responsible people.
There is a saying, "guns don't kill people, people kill people". I think it makes sense. Sure, some societies that don't allow guns have lower crime rate. But there are also societies that have large gun ownership, and yet they have very little gun related crime.
I think the biggest factor is the society itself, and the mindset of the people. In America, it's sad to say, but people simply to not care much about others. I think this is a key problem that causes any kind of crime.

Jake-degozaruna said...

I have to admit I enjoy a little marksmanship in my life but I keep it on video games or playing airsoft with my brother and kids in the neighborhood.

I'm sorry but there is no reason for a common citizen to have a firearm unless they use it for hunting I suppose but that would be a rifle. Handguns should be illegal.