Monday, March 31, 2008

Comparative Paper 2

I forgot to remind you that the due of the second comparative paper is due this week.
So, I extend the due to the following Thursday (April 10th).
You can submit the paper anytime by April 10th.
Submit by email is fine, but I don't take responsibility for delivery failure from network trouble.

If you haven't written the paper yet, please try to make a comparison with your own analysis, like what you think about the difference, what you feel about it, what you agree or disagree on something in both culture, etc.
I require you to use at least two resources. You can use the sources to get information/facts, but I still want you to write your thought about it. I don't grade your thought. (*like I don't grade your paper bad just because your thought is different from mine. Because I think coexistence of different thoughts is mandatory for coexistence of different culture.) But I just want you to have your thought about it.

In order to understand the different culture, you would process acceptance, resistance, reinterpreting, and so forth. Here is a model of the process of cultural understanding.

This diagram shows three destinations (shown in purple):
1. refusal/ignorance
2. disorganization
3. new balance (understanding)
I hope you don't get to refusal/ignorance in understanding Japan.

Anyway, this is such a late notice. I am soooo sorry.

Information for 4/10 Test (history and education)

安土桃山時代 1568-1603 Azuchi-Momoyama Period
The Period of Wars
*”Azhichi” and “Momoyama” are the names of castles.
*Also called “Sengoku Period (Warring Period)”
Three Heroes (all three are from Chubu region, around Nagoya):
1. Oda, Nobunaga “Kill the cuckoo if it doesn’t sing”

2. Toyotomi, Hideyoshi “Make the cuckoo sing if it doesn’t sing”

3. Tokugawa, Ieyasu “Wait till the cuckoo sing if it doesn’t sing”

1. 織田信長 Oda, Nobunaga

-Strange acts in the youth
-Grew as a strong warrior
The Battle of Okehazama: 4000 Oda warriors beat over 25000
The Battle of Ngashino (against Takeda Shingen’s son): Use of firearms (introduced in this era by two Portuguese)
-Fierce personality (nicknamed “Devil”)
Unsparing treatment of his subordinates
→本能寺の変 Incident at Honno-ji Temple
Akechi, Mitsuhide killed Nobunaga
(→Hideyoshi killed Mitsuhide soon)

2. 豊臣秀吉 Toyotomi, Hideyoshi

-Parents are peasants
-Served Nobunaga
-Nickname is “Monkey” (*from his looking)
-Rise at the Early Age as a good Strategist

*Right after the Incident of Honno-ji Temple, return from Takamatsu Castle in a week to attack Akechi, Mitsuhide

1. Kenchi (Land Survey)
2. Katana-gari (Sword Hunt)
3. Heinou Bunri (Separation of the military from the farming class)
-Decline at the Later Age (nicknamed “Devil”)
1. Persecution of Christianity
2. Invasion on Korea (1552-1553, 1557-1558)
3. More then ten wives, but no strong son

<茶道(tea ceremony: Sado “Way of Tea”)>
Sen no Rikyu

-Sado (Tea ceremony) teacher of Nobunaga and Hideyoshi
-The biggest figure of Sado (tea ceremony) world
-Eventually killed by Hideyoshi

3. 徳川家康 Tokugawa, Ieyasu

-Born at a weak clan
-Served Hideyoshi and got Kanto region lands
-After Hideyoshi’s death
1600 Battle of Sekigahara: Hideyoshi’s followers VS Ieyasu
→Ieyasu won = transfer of the power from Toyotomi family to Tokugawa family
→1603 Open Edo Shogunate = Beginning of Edo Period (lasts until 1868)
*Ieyasu killed Hideyori (Hideyoshi’s son) and destroyed Toyotomi clan

<Video Game: good tool to study Azuchi-Momoyama History>
Sengoku Musou
Samurai Warriors 2


江戸時代 1603-1868 Edo Period
The Period of Stability,
The End of Samurais’ Rule
-Edo (today’s Tokyo) as the capital city

1st Tokugawa Shogun Tokugawa, Ieyasu

-Local rule by military lords (Daimyo domain) under strong shogunal authority
1. 参勤交代 Sankin Kotai (Alternate Attendance Requirement):
-Daimyo (local lord) come to Edo to see shogun periodically
-Daimyo’s wife and heir had to stay in Edo as hostages
2. 鎖国 National Seclusion:
-traded with only Dutch and China at Dejima, Nagasaki (Kyushu Region)
3. 士農工商 Samurai-Farmers-Artisans-Merchants social class
*“Don’t let farmers alive, don’t let them die”

4. キリシタン禁教 Eradication of Christianity
*Shimabara Uprising by Shiro Amakusa 天草四郎(17 years old歳)

1853 Commodore マシューペリー Matthew Perry forced to open Japan

15th Tokugawa Shogun Tokugawa, Yoshinobu

Rise of xenophobia since the opening of Japan
薩長連合Satsuma-Choshu Alliance fights against Tokugawa Shogunate
*Satsuma clan from Kyushu region and Choshu clan from Chugoku region

1867大政奉還: 15th Shogun Tokugawa, Yoshinobu gives the emperor back the rule of Japan = Satsuma and Choshu clans makes new Meiji government (Meiji Restoration)
*Go-between: 坂本竜馬Sakamoto, Ryoma convinced Tokugawa family to return the power to emperor.

1868-1869 Boshin Wars
Series of the wars between new government and the Tokugawa shogunate supporters


明治時代 1868-1912 Meiji Period
The Period of Modernization/Westernization

Meiji Emperor: Mutsuhito moved to Tokyo (from Kyoto)

-Era name元号 started: changes every time when emperor dies

Three biggest leaders of the Meiji Restoration:
1. Kido, Takayoshi (or Katsura, Kogoro): from Choshu Clan

2. Saigo, Takamori: from Satsuma clan

3. Okubo, Toshimichi: from Satsuma clan

New Meiji government
-Abolished clan-system, started prefecture-system
-Equalization of the four divisions of the social class (Samurai-Farmers-Artisans-Merchants) *two social classes still existed (Noblemen –Commoner)
-Founded school system
-Revision of Taxation system (rice  money)
-Abolished the Samurai’s privileges (having a sword, unconditional salary)

-->1877 Seinan War (Satsuma Rebellion)
War between Saigo-leading-Satsuma Samurai vs. Okubo-leading Meiji government
Saigo died at the war (*The Last Samurai movie)
*During the war, Kido died from a disease
*Following year, Okubo was assassinated by an anti-government Samurai
*Seinan War was the last military rebellion by Samurai against the Meiji Government

Freedom and People's Rights Movement:
Demand the parliament system with the election/voting.
-Okuma, Shigenobu: founded Constitutional Reform Party

-Itagaki, Taisuke: founded Liberal Party

--->First Parliament
1885 1st Prime Minister Ito, Hirobumi 初代総理大臣伊藤博文

1889 Meiji Constitution 大日本帝国憲法
give voting rights to 25 years old or older male + tax qualification (*1.1% of the Japanese citizen)

*Japan put effort on buildup military power.
1894-95日清戦争Sino-Japanese War
China and Japan fought over Korea beginning of Japan’s occupation of Korea (Officially annexed in 1910)
1904-05日露戦争Russo-Japanese War
U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt offered to mediate.-->The Treaty of Portsmouth


大正時代1912-1926 Taisho Period
The Period of Early Democracy

Taisho Emperor: 大正天皇Yoshihito

-physically weak病弱
-First Emperor who had only one wife 初めての一夫一妻天皇

1914-1915 WWI
-While Westerns were fighting in Europe for WWI, Japan started seeking for invading China.
-After WWI (1914-1915), Japan got a seat in the League of Nations
*Meiji Period started in 1868= Very rapid rise to the Great Power Status in the world

●Taisho Democracy: liberal movement大正デモクラシー
1. 1918 Prime Minister Hara, Takashi: first commoner prime minister (*”Noblemen-commoner” social classes existed from the beginning of Meiji through the end of WWII.)

2. 1925General Election Law普通選挙:成人男子すべてに選挙権
25 years old or older men’s voting right (20% of the citizens)

however… 1925Peace Preservation Law治安維持法
Strong censorship: Any activities against government were banned suppressed the liberal atmosphere strongly accelerated the militarization/ totalitarianism of the WWII Japan

Here is the education powerpoint.
*I still have problem in uploading the powerpoint. So I send an email with the powerpoint to your UNCC email account. Please check your email that was sent on Sunday lat at night or monday early in the morning. Sorry about that.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Give away

My friend just left Charlotte, and he gave me many things he doesn't need any more.
Please leave comment if you want to get any of these. It's free, and first come first served.

1. plastic cups

2. minced onion and flour

3. something to listen to music in your car

4. clock/radio

5. something you use when your car window is frozen

6. something to clean floor

7. printer (with install CD)

8. camping matress(?)

9. cushion

10. Japanese "futon" set (imported from Japan) *size: single

*As you know probably, Japanese people traditionally sleep on the floor. They put "futon" on the floor and sleep in it.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Final Presentation Topic.

Hey everyone, I wanted to throw a topic out there for the final and see if anyone else was interested in it.

I'm wanting to do the presentation on either Nobue Uematsu or Hayao Miyazaki so if either of them are people you might be interested in let me know^^ thanks.

my e-mail is btw

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Schedule Changed-3

Next week, we don't go to the class room. We go to Japanese Film Festival again.
Room is changed, so please check carefully.

Umizaru: The Sea Monkey (2004)
Director: Eiichiro Hazumi
March 27 (Thursday)
5:00-7:00 at CHHS 155
A disparate group of 14 young Japan Coast Guard officers are thrown together to spend 50 days of the hardest days of their lives training to become elite rescue divers. Until then, the trainees are “Umizaru”, as they are called by the local community for their wild drinking and carousing in town. The bonds of trust and friendship forged under the intense demands and circumstances of the profession form the foundation of a highly compelling and realistically portrayed human drama.

Also, the schedule of the rest of the semester is below.
Sorry for making change for schedule again and again.
I hope this is the final one.

Do you want a cat

A student is looking for someone who want to have a baby cat.
If you are interested, please let me know.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Extra Credit Work

Here are some works for extra credits: making transcripts of the following VCR/DVD, which you can get at the library. If you do this work, I can give you extra points. The due of these works is May 13th. Please let me know if you want to do.

“Shinto: Nature, Gods, and Man in Japan” DVD (50min)
Library call number: BL2220 .S55 2006

Library call number: DS827.S3 S26 1999

“Japanese Nonverval Communication” DVD (20min)
Library call number: BF637.N66 J37 2000z

Also, the following VCR/DVD are for extra credits by making transcripts, but library site says “1 copy being processed for Audiovisual Collections--2nd Floor.” so I’m not sure if these movies are currently available.

“Japan: Ainu People of Hokkaido” DVD (22min)
Library call number: DS832 .J373

“Eight Million Gods: The Japanese Matsuri Festival” DVD (20min)
Library call number: BL2224.7 .M3 2005

“Getting Along in Japanese: Coping With a Misunderstanding” VCR (30min)
Library call number: PL524.8 .G65 1990z

“Getting Along in Japanese: Asking the Way” (30min)
Library call number:

“Getting Along in Japanese: Going Out to Eat” VCR (30min)
Library call number: PL524.75 .G65 1990z

“Animated Classics of Japanese Literature” 4DVD (78, 78, 75, 75min)
Library call number: PL770 .A55 2002

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Posters Wanted! (For TWO NEW COURSES)

Japanese Studies at UNCC is pleased to announce TWO NEW COURSES which will be offered in FALL 2008.

New Courses are:
JAPN 3160 (3 credits)/4050 (5 credits): Japanese Film and Drama (W)
11:00 am-12:15 pm, (W)(F) conducted in English
Professor: Dr. Bradley Ambury

JAPN 3030 (3 credits): Anime in Japanese Pop Culture
3:30-4:45 pm, (M)(W) conducted in English
Professor: Dr. Bradley Ambury

If you have any question regarding the new courses, please contact Dr. Fumie Kato at
704- 687-8782 or

In order to inform these NEW courses to entire campus, WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Will you please create individual posters for each course including the course information above and contact info and E-MAIL them to your instructor by Tuesday, 3/18/2008.

We appreciate your help!

Cell Phone

My cell phone broke yesterday, but I don't want to buy a new one until my contract expires in August coz it's very expensive. In August, I will renew or make another contract, so I will be able to buy one in a cheap price. But until August.....

Does anyone has a Verizon cell phone which you are not using any more? Could I get that phone? Old one is fine. I just need a cell phone that I can use until August. If that's possible, I would appreciate very much. I cannot give him/her extra point or something like that, but I can buy a coffee or some drink for him/her.

Sorry... this post is completely my personal thing.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Car for Sale

A Japanese staff of the international office wants to sell his car coz he is going back to Japan soon.
It runs good.
Anybody's interested?

Year 1998

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring Break

Spring Break ended. I am so sad. sooo sad. Are you?