Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Do we have class tomorrow??

Kenzan (pinholder)

The people who have my Kenzan (pinholder for flower arrangement), please give me back them.
Thank you.

Comparative papers

If you haven't turned in the comparative papers, please submit them as soon as possible.
The sooner you turn in them, the less I reduce points.
Good Luck!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hey! This is my Ikebana project I did while I was at home. I bought one of those round spiky things, but I had to use a dish-bowl because I didn't have anything really shallow, I hope that's ok!! All the flowers and branches are from my backyard. :)

Also, Shoji I will send you that transcript of Shinto Nature & Gods in an email soon.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Final Presentation Day

May 8th Thursday 5pm.

I'm so tired of these semester-end busyyyness.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Flower Arrangement powerpoint

Someone let me know that the folower arrangement powerpoint on this blog is missing someinformation such as names of schools, names of styles, etc.
I fixed it today, so, if you studied before today, please check the powerpoint again.
Also, I emailed to everybody with the powerpoint as an attached file.

I'm sorry for the confusion.

Give Away 2

*Vacuum cleaner.

*Carpet. Approximately 60inches x 90 inches.

Motorola phone charger. I have 3 chargers and 1 car charger.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hisoty (Showa-Heisei Period) & Ikebana (Flower Arrangement)

*For the next week test, please study with this post and the video transcript which was sent from Shoji on April 10th.

昭和時代 1926-1989 Showa Period
The Period of the Pre-War Fascism and Postwar Economic Power

Showa Emperor Hirohito

<before 1945>
Japan established a puppet state, Manchukuo in Manchuria <- criticized in the League of Nations -> Japan withdrew the League

1932 5.15 incident海軍将校が犬養毅首相を射殺
Young Marines assassinated Prime Minister
1936 2.26 incident皇道派の青年が大臣を射殺
Young armies assassinated some government officials
<- Power of Military in the government

→軍部大臣現役武官制の復活 =政党政治の終焉

1937 Second Sino-Japanese War日中戦争開始
1939 WWII began in Europe
Axis Pact: Japan, Germany, Italy
*the US: stop exporting oils to Japan, warn Japan to withdraw from China

Pearl Harbor = beginning of “Pacific War”
*Japanese news always report “Japan won!” at any battles

(Japan wanted oils in the Southeast Asia)
Japan Declared “The Great East-Asian War”: save Asians from imperial westerners

July 26: Potsdam Declaration (US, UK, China): demand Japan’s surrender
August 6: atomic bomb on Hiroshima
August 8: Russia started war on Japan
-Occupied Japan’s puppet state, Manchukuo
-Took the northern territory of Hokkaido (kept warring until September 4th)
August 9: atomic bomb on Nagasaki
August 15: Japan Surrendered

<after 1945>
1945-1951GHQ (General Headquaters of the Allies) occupied Japan. 連合国最高司令官総司令部(多くはアメリカ人)占領
Douglas MacArthurダグラスマッカーサー(→朝鮮戦争で原爆の使用を主張し、解任される)

Douglas MacArthur & Showa Emperor Hirohito

-Emperor lost all political power (God  human being)
-New constitution (no military power, women’s voting rights, etc.)

1949 Communist China  US sees Japan as a strategic keystone in the Pacific
1951 Korean War  US established Japan’s Security Force
Japan’s Independence: Treaty of San Francisco

*Okinawa Problem
-Okinawa used to be an independent kingdom –Annexed by Japan in 1872
-The fierce battlefield at the end of WWII (1/4 of Okinawan people died.) –Japan didn’t help Okinawa because Japan wanted to buy time by holding American forces in Okinawa in order to plan the defense of the mainland and get a better deal.
-Had been occupied at 1945-1972 as “residual colony” (Japanese mainland was occupied at 1945-1951.) –Japan’s independence was achieved partly because Japan accepted the US right to use Okinawa as an important station for US pacific military strategy
-Discriminately attitude from both Japanese mainland and the American occupation force
-In 1972, returned to Japan (Prime Minister Eisaku Sato and US President Richard Nixon)
-Today 75% of US bases in Japan are in Okinawa, and 20-25% of Okinawan lands are US bases.

Prime Minister Sato, Eisaku & President Ricahrd Nixon

<経済 Economic growth >
1951-53 special procurements from Korean War 朝鮮特需
1960s special procurements from Vietnam War ベトナム特需
Little burden from the Military budget 防衛費負担なし(⇔思いやり予算負担、米軍とのトラブル)*instead, Omoiyari Budget (“budget allocation for sympathy”): Japan pays a lot for US stationing in Japan.

-“Income doubling program” in the 1960s (by Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda)

Prime Minister Ikeda, Hayato

-“Three sacred treasures” in the 1960s = TV, refrigerator, and washing machine

-“Remodeling the Japanese Archipelago” in the 1970s (by Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka)

Prime Minister Tanaka, kakuei & President Richard Nixon

*side effect of the economic growth: Pollution and depopulation of the countryside

1989Peak of Japanese economy
 “Japan as No. 1”(Book)

平成時代1989-Present Heisei Period
Current Period

1991-1992 “Japan’s Great Depression”バブル崩壊:不動産、株式価格暴落
1990s:”The Lost Decade”「失われた10年」
*→2003くらいから回復基調 slightly getting better

1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 阪神淡路大震災 (in Kinki region)
1995 Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway 地下鉄サリン事件 by a cult religion group
1998 Nagano Winter Olympic長野オリンピック
2002 Korea-Japan World Cup Soccer サッカーワールドカップ初出場

Ikebana (Flower Arrangement) Powerpoint

*At the end of this powerpoint, you see how to make a Ikebana. If you want to make your own one for a extra point, please refer to this page.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Extra Credit Work 2

On May 3rd (Saturday), the Japanese Teachers' Association, Charlotte and Gastonia will have "Bunkasai (Japanese Culture Festival).
The festival need some volunteer staff on the day.
If you could work for about 2 hours for the festival, please let me know.
You will get 1% extra point for that.

For more information (date, time, place etc.), please check the site below:

Thank you.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Education system part 2